Search for Enslaved Persons

To select records of enslaved persons record type “Slave.” This will produce lists of enslaved persons, identifying the owner if known, and the enslaved person’s name and other information. You can, for example, search based on a year and locality, or based on a name.

Example: Enter “Slave” for “record Type” and “Mary” for “Slave First Name.”

Tags: These are codes that, when used in a search for a slave or owner, identify a special circumstance or issue. The following is a list of the tags:

  • BON: These are records of slaves who escaped to the British during the Revolutionary War and who subsequently emigrated to Canada as free persons.
  • LSTD: The are records of slave transactions in Louisiana where the enslaved person was born in New York. Their enslavement in Louisiana may have been illegal in New York.
  • RAN: These are records based on runaway slave notices and ads.
  • ABN: These are records of babies born to enslaved women who were officially abandoned by the slave owner and placed up for foster care by the local government.
  • SALE: This is a record of a slave trade transaction.
  • EMN: This is a record of an emancipation of a slave.
  • CEM: A cemetery marker or record.
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